Hurricane Preparedness: Commercial Property Guide

Hurricane Preparedness: Commercial Property

Protecting Commercial Property:

If you are in a potential storm zone, it is crucial to have a comprehensive hurricane preparedness plan to safeguard your commercial property and assets. Work closely with your safety teams, maintenance crews, and risk management advisors to review evacuation protocols, building strategies, and any necessary equipment maintenance before a storm strikes.

Watercraft and mobile Assets:

Most insurance policies mandate that reasonable efforts be made to protect watercraft and other movable assets from impending hurricanes. If possible, consider the following measures:

  • Relocate watercraft to a secure inland storage facility or marina away from storm's projected path.
  • Transport moveable equipment to a sheltered location with minimal exposure to falling trees and debris.
  • For assets that cannot be relocated, secure them in a structure or move them to an open area with limited potential hazards.

Commercial Vehicle Fleets:

Develop a plan to relocate commercial vehicle fleets designated safe area, preferably in a secure, covered parking facilities, to minimize potential damage from high winds and flooding.

Commercial Property Hurricane Preparation:

  • Verify adequate insurance coverage and understand your policy's deductible and limits.
  • Secure or bring indoors any loose outdoor objects that could become projectiles. 
  • Install storm shutters or board up windows, doors, and other openings securely fastened plywood.
  • Clear rain gutters and downspouts of debris to prevent water backups. 
  • Trim dead or overhanding branches from trees and shrubbery around the property.
  • Inspect and repair the roof to prevent leaks and wind damage.
  • Strap or anchor roof-mounted equipment like HVAC units.
  • Use sandbags to drive water away from low-lying areas prone to flooding.
  • Consider installing flood protection barriers like flood gates or panels in vulnerable areas.
  • Stock emergency supplies like plywood, plastic sheeting, sandbags, generators, and fuel.
  • Back up critical business data, records, and documentation off-site or in the cloud.

Post Hurricane Claims Process:

  • Notify your insurer promptly, preferably in writing, providing details of the date, time, location, type of loss, affected property, extent of damage, and your contact information.
  • Take reasonable steps to prevent further damage by restoring fire protection systems, making temporary repairs, securing vital records, beginning cleanup, and expediting long-term repairs. 
  • Document the damage thoroughly with photos and videos before starting cleanup efforts. 
  • Prepare detailed proof of loss statements, listing all destroyed or damaged property and the associated cost.
  • Submit the proof of loss, photos, and other relevant reports to your insurer. 
  • Cooperate with your insurer's investigation and provide any request information or assistance. 

By implementing these proactive measures, commercial enterprises can enhance their resilience and minimize potential losses during hurricane events, ensuring business continuity and smoother recovery process.

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